(781) 559-8444

We help people of all ages
overcome their limitations
and succeed in life

Geriatric Evaluation

Who should have an evaluation?

Patients see a neuropsychologist to evaluate a range of problems related to cognitive, social and emotional functioning. Areas of assessment include:

  • Memory problems
  • Concentration problems
  • Attention difficulties
  • Problems thinking clearly and logically
  • Language difficulties
  • Capacity to make legal, financial, or medical decisions
  • Monitoring of cognitive functioning in chronic illnesses such as:
    •     Multiple Sclerosis
    •     Parkinson’s Disease
    •     Huntington’s Disease
    •     Alzheimer’s Dementia
    •     Stroke and Vascular Dementia
  • Changes in personality
  • Feelings of loss or depression
  • Feelings of fear or anxiety

Why Evaluate Now?

An early diagnosis has many advantages.

  • Time to make choices that maximize quality of life
  • A better chance of benefitting from treatments
  • Reduced anxiety about unknown problems
  • More time to plan for the future

What is the outcome of an evaluation?

Your evaluation will result in a clear understanding of your current functioning.

We will provide a report for your medical record with clear recommendations. We will schedule a meeting with you and your family to discuss the results and treatment options.

Quality of life

Our goal is to improve your quality of life.

  • Treatments to improve your functioning
  • Ways you and your family can accommodate areas of difficulty
  • Helpful resources

Why Come to Boston Neuropsychological Services?

We provide immediate appointments and prompt results.

We take our time to make sure your concerns are heard and addressed.

We value family input and will answer any questions you and your family have.

We work closely with your referring doctor.

Our memory disorder and dementia specialists are published in the field of neuropsychology and have been trained at such places as Harvard School of Medicine and Boston University.