AE Age Equivalent
BASC Behavior Rating Scale for Children (test)
BSEA Bureau of Special Education Appeals
CA Chronological Age
CAPD Central Auditory Processing Disorder
CASA Court Appointed Special Advocates
CFR Code of Federal Regulations
DESE Massachusetts Department of Elementary & Secondary Education
DOE Department of Education
ECF Evaluation Consent Form (N1)
ECSE Early Childhood Special Education
FAPE Free Appropriate Public Education
FBA Functional Behavioral Assessment
FCSN Federation for Children With Special Needs
GLE Grade Level Expectations
IDEA Individuals with Disabilities Education Act
IEE Independent Educational Evaluation
IEP Individualized Education Program (The IEP is a contract between the school district and the parent.)
IQ Intelligence Quotient
504 Accommodation Plan
LEP Limited English Proficient
LRE Least Restrictive Environment
MA Mental Age
RTSC The Recruitment, Training and Support Center a project of FCSN
SESPs Special Education Surrogate Parents a project of FCSN