(781) 559-8444

We help people of all ages
overcome their limitations
and succeed in life

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We help people of all ages
overcome their limitations
and succeed in life



Do you think your child might be gifted?
Do you suspect a learning disability, ADHD, Autism Spectrum Disorder, Depression, or Anxiety?
Do you think your child needs extra time on standardized tests such as the SAT?Button
Have you had a recent change to your physical health (e.g., traumatic brain injury, strokes, seizures, illness, etc.)?
Do you have difficulties with social interactions or relationships (with peers, adults, caregivers, etc.)?

Why Boston Neuropsychological Services

Timely Appointments
Specialists for Every Age Group
Guidance through the Early Intervention and IEP/504 process

our team

Our Mission

Boston Neuropsychological Services (BNS) has been providing Neuropsychological Evaluations and counseling services for more than a decade. Our Team of highly qualified and dedicated professionals will work with you, your family and other service providers to identify and develop the tools to reach your goals and improve your quality of life. We are here to help people of all ages to overcome their limitations and succeed in life.

Our Vision

We are confident that the evaluation process will provide a conceptualization of an individual’s strengths and limiting factors, which may be holding them back from reaching their true potential. We strongly believe that identifying areas of strength will not only help maximize treatment recommendations at home, school or the work place, but will also promote the development of a balanced and healthy lifestyle.